Last weekend Empire Seven Studios mobilized the gallery to our friends small business and hair salon The Studio Los Gatos
During the two day Art and Wine Festival we were able to connect with new folks and re-engage with supporters who used to come to our original space 2008-2016. We appreciate everyone’s feedback and excitement over the level of quality production of our new contemporary art movement.
Artwork was sold and we are very grateful for the patrons that understand the value of collecting artwork’s artists specifically produce in their private studios that is solely created because it gives them freedom, joy and in some cases a form of therapy.
The artwork installed will continue to be on display and can be viewed through October. Feel free to stop by the salon to check out the show and even schedule your next hair appointment! The staff are incredibly welcoming and professional, guaranteed to take great care of you!
Artworks on view and available by:
Chad Hasegawa - IG @chadhasegawa
Jason Arnold - IG @jason_c_arnold
Juan Carlos Araujo - IG @no._2_gallery_
Roan Victor - IG @roanvictor
Stephany Sanchez - IG @_tefan_
Stephen Longoria - IG @steponhen
Tyson Johnston - IG @bloodyloveletter
IG is the artist Instagram handles.
#E7S #EmpireSevenStudios #TheStudioLosGatos #LosGatos #LosGatosArtAndWineFestival