“Life is random in its assignations of peerage, beauty and love. If you are born untitled, unnoticed, and unwelcome, you must find a way of reshuffling the cards in your favor. Try music, try art, try writing, try sports, and if you find them all too trying, you should try graffiti.”
- Stephen Powers.
There aren’t many places in San Jose where you can try all of those things. And I’m happy to report that 17 years later, Empire Seven Studios remains a place where you can. It is in this spirit of building connections through “trying things,” that we announce our open call for live art and workshops in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.
In the early days of E7S, a seemingly forgettable warehouse space transformed into something part gallery, part recording studio, part dark room, where I could always track down a friend creating something. Tinkering. Playing. Scrapping it all and starting over. Hating it. It’s alright I guess-ing it. Straight up laughing at it. But each time, sharing it, with others in the space. Not because they needed content, not because of an algorithm, but because they genuinely wanted to make something and gather with friends and other creatives.

As I watched E7S evolve, what I came to understand is that it shifted from a gritty warehouse to what Ray Oldenberg and Karen Christensen deemed a “Third Place.” That space outside of home but not at work where people gather and build community. After losing their original gallery space, I worried that their ability to live again as a third place may never return. But in true E7S spirit, Carlos and Jen found a way to reshuffle the cards in their favor and E7S at Exhibit was born. A new third place to exchange creative inspiration, where people could try things and meet their neighbors over a cup of Tono Coffee.
While live art and workshops have always been a piece of the E7S puzzle, we’re excited to be launching an open call for creatives interested in collaborating with us for live art experiences both at our gallery and at our clients. All ideas are welcome, with an emphasis on those that are logistically thought out and a proven concept. From visual art, to crafts, to music, to performance art and even culinary experiences...if you have a live art idea and are based in the Bay Area or Los Angeles, we want to hear about it.

Third places and shared experiences building connections amongst friends and strangers are needed now more than ever. Here’s to finding opportunities to gather and try things together in 2025. Questions about what we’re up to? Send me an email at Stacey@empiresevenstudios.com and let’s chat!
By Stacey Kellogg