"Justice for All?" at the Euphrat Museum of Art

Justice for All? features works that look at our collective history and the unconscious bias that impacts our systems and lives. The artists face injustice and its consequences and call for empathy to guide our actions and institutions.

Artists include the ASARO Collective, Beta, Joseph Delappe, Adrian Discipulo, Rodney Ewing, Tatyana Fazlalideh, Yolanda Guerra, Taro Hattori, Jamil Hellu, David Izu, Emiko Omori, Oree Originol, Samuel Rodriguez, Kirstina Sangsahachart, and Judy Shintani. Special projects with Marco Marquez's graphic design students and Jen Myhre's sociology students.

For more information, please visit https://www.deanza.edu/euphrat/inthemuseum.html