“SOUR & SWEET” something sweet, cute, sour, sarcastic, twisted ....the ideas are limitless!
ART EXHIBITION ON VIEW: February 11 - March 4, 2023
For the first exhibit of 2023, we wanted to celebrate a collective of artists throughout the West Coast (one being as far as Hawaii). We have worked with some of these artists either during a E7S art project or at one of the WorldWide Walls festivals. There are some familiar names but many new ones we are excited to have invited!
Instead of an anti-valentines show, we curated the idea of something sweet, cute, sour sarcastic and twisted. Something everyone can relate to and that’s how we came up with “SOUR & SWEET.”
If you are interested in purchasing artwork and/or need more information, please contact us at info@empiresevenstudios.com.
Amy Sol / Candie Bolton / Chanamon Ratanalert / Chantal Jung / Chris Martin / Crisselle / Edwin Ushiro / Gary Musgrave / Helice Wen / Hellen Jo / Jackie Jo Koester / Jake Kazakos / Jasper Wong / Jayde Cardinalli / Jeff Mcmillan / Joey G / Kaela Han / Katie Benn / Kevin Chan / Kyle Harter / Linda Cebrero / Michelle Fleck / Nellie Le / Nicholas Vargas / Pacolli / Roshi / Spenser Little / Superdeux